At EcoWorld International, we work to create sustainable economic returns for our stakeholders whilst aligning our environmental, social and governance goals across the countries we are in with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). We do this by ensuring that each job, property and community that we create is truly sustainable and has a long-lasting positive impact in achieving our vision of​ Creating Tomorrow & Beyond. We believe that it makes perfect business sense to put economic, environmental, social and governance issues at​ the heart of our decisions and activities, irrespective of whether it is a legal obligation or requirement.


The brand is about the pursuit of better, greater ways to complete people’s living experience. We want to be thought leaders and innovators — a non-traditional business with positive economic, social and environmental impact.

We push boundaries in our vision of Creating Tomorrow & Beyond.

Brand Pillars


We continue to reach out to customer communities, keeping them engaged with various social and cultural initiatives.


We take pride in ensuring our products and services meet high expectations, and stand the test of time.


Making the world a better place, in our own small ways — through welfare, relief and charitable causes.


Our journey towards sustainability began to take shape in FY 2017. We set our sights on laying the groundwork for sustainability by identifying four main commitment areas.​

We formulated a Sustainability Policy that represents the Group’s overarching goals to manage our economic, environmental and social risks and opportunities.

The Sustainability Policy was endorsed by the Board in June 2018 and highlights the Board’s commitment towards continuous improvement in addressing climate change, energy and water use, and the protection of our environmental biodiversity.​

View our commitment to sustainability

Sustainability Governance Structure

Sustainability Governance Structure established in 2017 :

The Board of Directors is at the apex of the 3-tier structure to oversee, review and approve the Group’s sustainability strategies, policies and initiatives.

The Sustainability Committee comprising Top Management from Business and Support units develops the policies, ensures the implementation of sustainability goals and reports to the board on a half-yearly basis.

Economic, Environmental, Social & Governance Councils are led by Senior Management and supported by the Department Heads as well as middle management. They ensure that sustainability plans and initiatives are executed while monitoring and tracking progress against the Group’s set targets.

As a responsible business, we are proud to join and support the United Nations Global Compact and its Ten Principles that are centered on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.​

Human Rights

(Principle 1) Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights ; and
(Principle 2) make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


(Principle 3) Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;​
(Principle 4) the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;​
(Principle 5) the effective abolition of child labour; and​
(Principle 6) the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.​


(Principle 7) Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;​​
(Principle 8) undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
(Principle 9) encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.​


(Principle 10) Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.​​
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to Advance
United Nations
Goals (UNSDG)

When we began our sustainability journey, we adopted 6 out of the 17 UNSDGs that reflect our efforts to work​ towards universal principles of sustainability. In FY2020, we added UNSDG 13: Climate Action to the six as it marked the start of our commitment to monitor and reduce our carbon footprint.​

With EcoWorld London’s School Engagement Programme, we’ve successfully adopted UNSDG 4: Quality Education in FY​2021. To further highlight our drive for sustainability, EcoWorld International also became a participant member of the United Nations Global Compact, adopting Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals, binging our total SDGs adopted to 9.

Below are our primary SDG commitments
Newly adopted in 2021

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Green Design

We continuously deliver product and service excellence, building properties that not only​ encapsulate high quality and landmark designs but also ones that bridge communities and​ promote sustainability to present and future generations.​​

Awards &

Our efforts to build a sustainable business through innovative thinking and being responsive to the needs of capital markets and customers, have been recognised internationally.​

BMCC Business Excellence Awards 2023-UK-Malaysia Partnership of the Year

The EcoWorld Ballymore joint-venture took home the British Malaysia Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards 2023 for the UK-Malaysia Partnership of the Year. This award recognises an organisation that has successfully partnered with a UK or Malaysian counterpart focusing on its successes over the last two to five years. EcoWorld Ballymore was the strongest nominee, as evidenced by its impact on the economy, jobs, knowledge creation, knowledge transfer and society.

Property Marketing Awards 2021 – Best Residential Marketing

Oxbow took home the Best Residential Marketing Campaign at the Property Marketing Awards in 2021. Aberfeldy Village was rebranded to Oxbow - East London in June 2020 and this win is recognition of the team’s great creative work.​​

The Edge Malaysia Property Excellence Awards 2021 – Outstanding Overseas Project

Embassy Gardens was conferred The Edge Malaysia’s Outstanding Overseas Project Awards on 14 December 2021. This is the second win for EcoWorld International in this category with London City Island being recognised in 2020.

What House? Awards 2021- Regeneration Scheme of the Year

Oxbow won the Gold Award for Regeneration Scheme of the Year at the 2021 What House? Awards. The award recognises developers who demonstrate high levels of commitment to the inner city and urban renewal.

EcoWorld London was awarded the 'Gold Award' by In-house Research Ltd as a recognition of the group’s​ effort in placing customers at the heart of everything we do based on customer feedback.​

Verdo — Kew Bridge was a finalist in the Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards (Offsite category) for its innovation in incorporating offsite construction methods.​​

Best Housing Partnership

Oxbow won the Best Housing Partnership award. The judges were very complimentary about the scheme: Oxbow promises to be a successful development with community features at its heart. An exemplary project with solid foundations in community engagement and a strong partnership. The social value benefits stemming from the partnership are a good example of the added value of the partnership approach.

Mixed-Use Development of the Year

Embassy Gardens won 2020’s Mixed-Use Development of the Year category. The Mixed-Use Development award was one of the most competitive categories with 6 other developments shortlisted. The judges felt that Embassy Gardens offered a mix of uses that the other competitors were unable to match.​​

Awards & Recognition

Our efforts to build a sustainable business through innovative thinking and being responsive to the needs of capital markets and customers, have been recognised internationally.​

Property Marketing Awards 2021 – Best Residential Marketing

Oxbow took home the Best Residential Marketing Campaign at the Property Marketing Awards in 2021. Aberfeldy Village was rebranded to Oxbow - East London in June 2020 and this win is recognition of the team’s great creative work.​​

The Edge Malaysia Property Excellence Awards 2021 – Outstanding Overseas Project

Embassy Gardens was conferred The Edge Malaysia’s Outstanding Overseas Project Awards on 14 December 2021. This is the second win for EcoWorld International in this category with London City Island being recognised in 2020.

What House? Awards 2021- Regeneration Scheme of the Year

Oxbow won the Gold Award for Regeneration Scheme of the Year at the 2021 What House? Awards. The award recognises developers who demonstrate high levels of commitment to the inner city and urban renewal.

EcoWorld London was awarded the 'Gold Award' by In-house Research Ltd as a recognition of the group’s​ effort in placing customers at the heart of everything we do based on customer feedback.​

Verdo — Kew Bridge was a finalist in the Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards (Offsite category) for its innovation in incorporating offsite construction methods.​​

Best Housing Partnership

Oxbow won the Best Housing Partnership award. The judges were very complimentary about the scheme: Oxbow promises to be a successful development with community features at its heart. An exemplary project with solid foundations in community engagement and a strong partnership. The social value benefits stemming from the partnership are a good example of the added value of the partnership approach.

Mixed-Use Development of the Year

Embassy Gardens won 2020’s Mixed-Use Development of the Year category. The Mixed-Use Development award was one of the most competitive categories with 6 other developments shortlisted. The judges felt that Embassy Gardens offered a mix of uses that the other competitors were unable to match.​​


2024        2023        2022       2021       2020       2019       2018       2017
2024        2023        2022       2021        2020       2019       2018
2024        2023        2022       2021       2020       2019       2018

EcoWorld Communities

Eco World Foundation

Students Aid Programme

Children represent the future. In this respect, the Eco World Foundation was established on 7th May 2014 as a platform for the Group to give back to the community via corporate social responsibility efforts for children of all ages. The fundamental focus of this foundation is youth education and knowledge as well as health and well-being. One of the programmes under the Eco World Foundation is the Students Aid Programme which provides financial assistance to underprivileged students from primary up to tertiary levels of education. The intention is to support them financially, assist in helping them achieve their full academic potential and improve their living standards. The Eco World Foundation currently sponsors approximately 3,000 underprivileged primary, secondary and tertiary students yearly and to date, 36 students have graduated from university.

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EcoWorld Stories

EcoWorld London

29 June 2022

The Aberfeldy Stories exhibition is nearly here Join us in the afternoon on Thursday 30 June for a spectacular get-together with Aberfeldy community, to celebrate 10 years of our partnership with Poplar HARCA with the launch of the audio and portrait exhibition exploring the transformation of the Aberfeldy neighbourhood through the stories of its residents

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EcoWorld London

23 June 2022

10 YEARS OF ABERFELDY To mark the 10-year milestone of the Aberfeldy development with our partners Poplar HARCA, a new exhibition, Aberfeldy Stories, will be open to the public this summer at East India Green in Poplar from 30 June-31 August 2022.

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EcoWorld London

2 June 2022

Green spaces We always make sure that our homes come with easy access to gardens and parks. Whether it’s some of London most beautiful green gems like Gunnersbury Park and Kew Gardens, or new ones that we create ourselves like East India Green in Poplar or the residents garden at The Claves - you’ll never be far from nature.

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EcoWorld London

15 Feb 2022

To celebrate National Apprentice Week, we're celebrating apprentices in the build environment & highlighting the importance of creating sustainable pathways for people into the industry.

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EcoWorld London

14 Jul 2021

EcoWorld London donates 1,500 seats from Griffin Park stadium

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EcoWorld London

09 Jul 2021

We are super excited to be supporting RBG Kew's Community Open Week

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EcoWorld London

06 Jul 2021

Kew Bridge Gate - Byldis Prefabrication System

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EcoWorld London

10 May 2021

EcoWorld London partners with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew to deliver Community Learning Programme

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EcoWorld London

17 Apr 2021

Doodling Around on Aberfeldy Street

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EcoWorld London

18 Sep 2020

Aberfeldy Street Paves The Way For Retail Revival

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EcoWorld London

12 June 2020

Rent free retail units for East End businesses to thrive post COVID-19

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EcoWorld London

27 May 2020

The Trust launch #BeeWell campaign with stadium developer EcoWorld London

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EcoWorld London

22 Apr 2020

Grow Something

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EcoWorld London

22 Apr 2020

Remember to Switch Off

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EcoWorld London

22 Apr 2020

Happy #EarthDay2020! Today marks the 50th anniversary of #EarthDay ...

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EcoWorld London

9 Oct 2019

Doodling Around on Aberfeldy Street

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EcoWorld London

08 Oct 2019

This month #TeamEcoWorld all took part in fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support. The team ...

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EcoWorld London

19 Jul 2019

Delighted to have organised our first ever Careers Fair at Barking Wharf ...

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